The Wandering Mind


Posted in Dictionary,Dispensationalism,Etymology,Religious History,Temples by wandren on 3 October 2007

As a temple is typically regarded as a building, I doubted that the word Worship could have been a vessel (work-ship), because it doesn’t make any sense that a ship would be placed inside a building, but after looking-up the word temple in my 1975 edition of Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary, I see that it originally meant “a part cut off and set apart for religious purposes.”

…So, a temple could be a bare piece of land, and a carrier vessel (as in aircraft, space craft, or inter-dimensional craft) could be built on that land.

I find it very interesting that the word temple is also used to describe the soft spots on either side of the head, just behind the eyes. My 1975 dictionary states that the word temple, in this sense, originates from the Latin word tempora, meaning “the right place, the fatal spot.”

“Know ye not that YE ARE the temple of God, and that THE SPIRIT OF GOD dwelleth in you?” (1 Corintihians 3:16)

Please visit Tony Badillo‘s site for a very interesting discussion about King Solomon’s Temple being a symbolic representation of man, in which the Holy of Holies is inside the head of man.

Part of Jesus’ mission was to help us move from an infant’s understanding of basic physical laws (warm and cold, dark and light, soft and hard) to a higher/deeper understanding of God’s laws within our hearts and minds; dispensationalism often describes each “dispensation” as a phase, building or expanding on the principles given in prior dispensations.