The Wandering Mind

Slaughtering the English Language

Posted in Dictionary,Pet Peeves by wandren on 2 July 2009

Excape/Ecscape is not a word.  What people mean when they say “excape,” is “ESCAPE.”  Any one who remembers his elementary school phonetics, or has taught children to read should know that ES is not pronounced EX.

Supposubly. I don’t know how people can read the correct spelling of the word, “SUPPOSEDLY,” and continue to mispronounce the word.  I understand the problems associated with oral transmission of the language – sloppy annunciation and misinterpretation – but when faced with the correctly-spelled word, and possessing at least a third-grade reading ability, I don’t understand how people can continue mispronouncing the word.

Conversate. I’m not opposed to people saying “conversate” as long as they say it in jest, and their audience understands its use was intentional, but it seems to be used more and more by people who think its a real word – the root word of conversation. -tion is a suffix, added to the end of a word to alter the form of the root word; the “T” in conversation, belongs to the suffix, not the root, which therefore means that the root word lies in the letters occuring before the “T.” The root word of conversation is converse.

There is no such thing as “Premature Stamina.”  Premature means that something grew, occured or arrived earlier than expected.  Stamina refers to the physical or emotional ability to resist fatigue.  You can die prematurely or be born prematurely or arrive at your destination prematurely, but it is not possible to prematurely resist fatigue.  A synonym for “stamina” is “endurance.”  Once cannot endure prematurely, but one can become fatigued sooner than desire.

Assuming there are no physical reasons preventing someone from running a marathon, such as a knee injury, the reason one is unable to successfully run the marathon is because he is not physically fit to do so.  The “cure” for this problem is to improve one’s physical fitness through exercise.

Amen (ah-men), Aum (Om), Ammon

Posted in Dictionary,Etymology,Religion and Spirituality by wandren on 21 October 2007

In Revelation 3:14, Jesus calls himself, “the Amen, the faithful and true witness.”

From The Global Oneness Commitment: “In Hebrew, Amen is formed of the letters A M N = 1,40,50 =91,and is thus a simile of “Jehovah Adonai”=10, 5, 6, 5 and 1,4, 50,10 =91 together; it is one form of the Hebrew word for “truth”. In common parlance Amen is said to mean ‘so be it‘.

But, in esoteric parlance Amen means ‘the concealed.’ Manetho Sebennites says the word signifies that which is hidden and we know through Hecateus and others that the Egyptians used the word to call upon their great God of Mystery, Ammon (or “Ammas, the hidden god “) to make himself conspicuous and manifest to them.

Bonomi, the famous hieroglyphist, calls his worshippers very pertinently the ‘Amenoph,’ and Mr. Bonwick quotes a writer who says: “Ammon, the hidden god, will remain for ever hidden till anthropomorphically revealed; gods who are afar off are useless”. Amen is styled ‘Lord of the new-moon festiva.’ Jehovah-Adonai is a new form of the ram-headed god Amoun or Ammon (q.v.) who was invoked by the Egyptian priests under the name of Amen.”



Posted in Dictionary,Dispensationalism,Etymology,Religious History,Temples by wandren on 3 October 2007

As a temple is typically regarded as a building, I doubted that the word Worship could have been a vessel (work-ship), because it doesn’t make any sense that a ship would be placed inside a building, but after looking-up the word temple in my 1975 edition of Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary, I see that it originally meant “a part cut off and set apart for religious purposes.”

…So, a temple could be a bare piece of land, and a carrier vessel (as in aircraft, space craft, or inter-dimensional craft) could be built on that land.

I find it very interesting that the word temple is also used to describe the soft spots on either side of the head, just behind the eyes. My 1975 dictionary states that the word temple, in this sense, originates from the Latin word tempora, meaning “the right place, the fatal spot.”

“Know ye not that YE ARE the temple of God, and that THE SPIRIT OF GOD dwelleth in you?” (1 Corintihians 3:16)

Please visit Tony Badillo‘s site for a very interesting discussion about King Solomon’s Temple being a symbolic representation of man, in which the Holy of Holies is inside the head of man.

Part of Jesus’ mission was to help us move from an infant’s understanding of basic physical laws (warm and cold, dark and light, soft and hard) to a higher/deeper understanding of God’s laws within our hearts and minds; dispensationalism often describes each “dispensation” as a phase, building or expanding on the principles given in prior dispensations.


Posted in Books and Book-Making,Dictionary,Etymology,Mormonism,Religious History by wandren on 3 October 2007

Current interpretations, dating to about 1200 – 1300 C.E., define worship as “the reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.” …But does the current attribution of meaning for the word worship jive with the meaning attributed to the word in its ancient form?

The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the word Worship comes from the Anglo/Saxon wurð/weorð, meaning ‘worth,’ and scip/scipe, meaning ‘ship.’

Worth, also according to the OED, means “equal in value to,” “to come to be,” or “to become, be, to befall.”

My 1975 Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary indicates that the word Worship derives from the Middle English worschip (also spelled weor), which may be related to weorc, the Old English word for Work.

Interestingly, the OED states that as a suffix, -ship/-scip means a state, or “condition of being,” or “to create, ordain, appoint,” further referring to shape (verb), meaning “to create, form, destine.”

According to the Free Dictionary, the word Ship, as a noun, describes, a sailing vessel, aircraft or spacecraft.


I Love You So Much

Posted in Grammar,Journalism,Movies,Pet Peeves by wandren on 3 October 2007

Pet PeevesWatched Spiderman 3 last night, and heard so many incomplete sentences that I had to rant about them… “I love you so much.” “You look so good.” …These are not complete sentences!!

The word so, is always supposed to be used in conjunction with that, or an implied that. “My joints ached so badly that I had to take some aspirin for the pain.” “I love you so much that my heart could burst.” “You look so good that I am blinded by your beauty.”

No matter where we live in the U.S., we all should have had similar instruction on grammar and sentence structure – and theoretically, all who hold high school diplomas have passed these grammar classes.

I think that the reason many people don’t retain the instruction they received is because proper use of language is neither used nor reinforced by society – it’s not a failing on the schools’ part. When big Hollywood stars and journalists (and presidents, for that matter) use incorrect grammar in their roles, whether intentionally scripted or not, the message received by the public (and particularly the younger, more easily influenced people) is that their use of language is the correct use.

I truly believe that Journalism’s practice of using 6th Grade-level grammar has done a disservice to our society by never requiring readers and viewers to have at least High School Graduate language skills.

Mammograms: False Medicine

Posted in Cancer,Women by wandren on 28 September 2007

Mammograms aren’t safe.
Excerpt from Chapter Five of Breast Cancer? Breast Health! by Susun Weed.

Professor Anthony Miller, Toronto National Cancer Institute, says cancer cells may be squeezed into the bloodstream under the pressure of the mammographic plates.  Screening mammograms are unsafe other ways, too: they expose sensitive breast tissues to radiation, and they increase your chances of having a biopsy and being overtreated for carcinoma in situ.

Radiation Dangers
Scientists agree that there is no safe dose of radiation. Cellular DNA in the breast is more easily damaged by very small doses of radiation than thyroid tissue or bone marrow; in fact, breast cells are second only to fetal tissues in sensitivity to radiation. And the younger the breast cells, the more easily their DNA is damaged by radiation. As an added risk, one percent of American women carry a hard-to-detect oncogene which is triggered by radiation; a single mammogram increases their risk of breast cancer by a factor of 4-6 times.

The Great Apostasy

Posted in Dictionary,Dispensationalism,Mormonism,New Testament by wandren on 4 September 2007

The Great Apostasy is a term “used by some religious groups to allege a general fallen state of traditional Christianity, or especially of Catholicism, magisterial Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy, that it is not representative of the faith founded by Jesus and promulgated through his twelve Apostles: in short, that these churches have fallen into apostasy.”

Matthew 24:10-14
At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Supercessionism Described

Posted in Dictionary,Supersessionism by wandren on 4 September 2007

“In simple terms, supersessionism teaches that the Christian Church has been established for the salvation of “the Jews first, and also to the Gentiles”, and that there is one people of God joined in unity through Jesus Christ. Since the Jews have largely refused to accept Jesus as Christ, “the Messiah of Israel”, and since he is their only means of salvation, those individual Jews that reject him, reject his atoning sacrifice for sins, and have in effect rejected the only provision God has offered for divine forgiveness, therefore they no longer are the true Israel, and Christians have become the “New Jews”.

This view is also often referred to as “replacement theology”; in that according to this theology, the Church from its very inception has replaced the Jewish people as God’s “chosen people” and “holy nation”, now and forever. One of the scriptures often cited as a basis for this theology is 1 Peter 2:9.” Source: Wikipedia

Dispensationalism Described

Posted in Dictionary,Dispensationalism by wandren on 4 September 2007

From Wikipedia, Dispensationalism is described as “a form of premillennialism which teaches biblical history as a number of successive “economies” or “administrations”, called “dispensations”, each of which emphasizes the discontinuity of the Old Testament covenants God made with His various peoples,” which is held by many Protestant and Conservative Christian groups.

“Dispensationalism seeks to address what many see as opposing theologies between the Old Testament and New Testament. Its name comes from the fact that it sees biblical history as best understood in light of a series of dispensations in the Bible.

“Dispensationalist beliefs often underlie the religious and political movement of Christian Zionism… Some dispensationalists teach that churches that do not insist on Biblical literalism as they deem appropriate are in fact part of the Great Apostasy.”

The Meaning of the Name “Abrahm”

Posted in Etymology,Old Testament,Religious History by wandren on 3 September 2007

Remember my entry entitled “The Origins of Modern Witchcraft“with a “Sidebar” about ancient language, in which I described how words and names were formed, using Abrahm as an example?

The “Who Was Abraham” page I referred to in my last entry explained what his name might mean:

Several word-meanings can be extracted from “Abram,” each of which points directly to his exalted position. Ab = “Father;” Hir or H’r = “Head; Top; Exalted;” Am = “People.” Therefore, Abhiram or Abh’ram can mean “Father of the Exalted.” Here’s still another: Ab – î – Ram = “Father of the Merciful.” Ab, also meaning “Snake,” could indicate that Ab-Ram (Exalted Snake) was a Naga king. All the meanings that can be extracted from the compound word “Abraham” reveal the divine destiny of his followers. Hiram of Tyre, Solomon’s close friend, was “Exalted People” or Ahi-Ram (Exalted Snake).

In ancient India, the Aryan cult was called “Brahm-Aryan.” The Aryans worshiped multiple gods. Abraham turned away from polytheism. By so doing, he could have become “A-Brahm” (No longer a Brahman.) The Aryans called the Asuras “Ah-Brahm.” Therefore, we can logically assume that the fathers of the Indus civilization were probably prototypical Jews.

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